Mission Statement
The mission of The Gurmat School is to give students the knowledge and appreciation of the Sikh way of life and their rich Sikh heritage.
Goals of the Gurmat School
The goal of the Gurmat School is to teach the children Sikh way of life and message of the Sikh gurus.
We will accomplish these goals by teaching children a set curriculum in three domains:
- Punjabi Curriculum is established to privide knowledge of Punjabi and Gurmukhi script
- Gurmat Curriculum is established to provide knowledge of Sikh history and Gurbani
- Sikh way of life is demonstrated through Gurmat camps, and sewa activities
The outcomes of the Gurmat School education: We would like our students to grow up into adulthood feeling proud of their Sikh heritage; be comfortable with the Sikh identity anywhere they go; practice Sikh way of life and raise Gursikh families.
Curriculum Objectives
Each domain above has objectives that must be achieved by the Gurmat School students:
The main objective of Punjabi Curriculum is to enables the students to read the Sikh scriptures,
in particular Sri Guru Granth
Sahib Ji.
- A secondary objective is to develop Punjabi literacy skills and bring awareness of the rich cultural heritage in the youth and instill pride in their Sikh identity.
- The main objective of the Gurmat program is to impart knowledge of the Sikh values through teaching of the Sikh history and Gurbani.
Keeping these goals in mind, the Guru Nanak Khalsa School San Jose curriculum has been developed into a comprehensive document that includes instruction in the fields of reading, writing and speaking Punjabi, memorization of Gurbani, and instruction in other important aspects of Sikh history. Bradshaw Gurmat School follows this curriculum.
The purpose of Punjabi curriculum is to enable students to:
- Read Punjabi fluently
- Read Gurbani fluently
- Learn culutral and religious background and take pride in it
The curriculum has been divided into eight levels for ease of achievement.
The purpose of Gurmat curriculum is to impart the Sikh values, knowledge of Sikh History and fluency in reading Gurbani to students coming to Gurmat School.
Nickay Baal - Punjabi
Introduction of the Alphabet
- The Gurmukhi alphabet
- Counting up to five in Punjabi
Book Used: Sikhiya Book Preschool
Nickay Baal - Gurmat
- Names of 10 Gurus
- Mool Mantar
- Names of 5 Pyaras
- Names of 4 Sahibzadas
Book Used: Sikhiya Book Preschool
Punjabi Level 1
Mastery of the Alphabet
- The Gurmukhi alphabet
- Simple two-three letter Mukta words
- Names of the rainbow colors in Punjabi
- Counting up to ten in Punjabi
- Read 10 Punjabi Mukta words in one minute
Book Used: Stepping Stones PSL Book 1A
Gurmat Level 1
- Sikh, Guru and Waheguru
- What is Gurdwara?
- Fateh and Jaikara
- Gurdwara Ettiquettes
- Palki Sahib
- The Khanda
- The Nishan Sahib
- Langar Ettiquettes
- Our First Five Gurus
- Recite Panj Paurdiaan (44 lines)
Book Used: PSL Gurmat Book 1
Punjabi Level 2
Mastery of the Gurmukhi Matras
- The Lagaan Matra symbols and their sounds
- The special sound modifiers in Punjabi
- Names of the days of the week, months, and seasons
- Counting up to 25
- Read 20 Punjabi words in one minute
Book Used: Stepping Stones PSL Book 2A
Gurmat Level 2
- Gurdwara Sahib
- Inside the Gurdwara
- Golak
- Matha Tekna
- Sri Guru Granth Sahib
- Granthi Sahib
- Sixth-Tenth Gurus
- Recite Japji Sahib Paurdiaan 6-15 (48 lines)
Book Used: PSL Gurmat Book 2
Punjabi Level 3
Beginning Reading
- Read simple text in Punjabi
- Write a simple paragraph on a topic
- Develop a good base in vocabulary, including counting up to 50
- Read 30 Punjabi words in one minute
Book Used: Stepping Stones PSL Book 3A
Gurmat Level 3
- Gurdwara Sahib
- What Happens in a Gurdwara?
- Our Eternal Guru
- The Messages in Sri Guru Granth Sahib Ji
- Chaur Sahib and Rumaalay
- Parikarma
- The Sikh Gurus
- Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Parkash
- Nanak Ji is Different
- Nanak Ji Goes to School
- Nanak Ji and the Cobra
- Nanak Ji’s Cattle
- Nanak Ji and the Sacred Thread
- Recite Japji Sahib Paurdiaan 16-19
Book Used: PSL Gurmat Book 3
Punjabi Level 4
Intermediate Reading
- Read short stories, Sakhies, essays, and poems with relative ease, understand the text and be able to answer questions from the text
Write an essay about a topic:
- Themselves
- Their family
- Journal Topic from the list
- Do counting up to 75 in Punjabi
- Develop understanding of the basic concepts of Punjabi grammar
- Read 40 Punjabi words in one minute
Book Used: Stepping Stones PSL Book 4A
Gurmat Level 4
- Ardas
- Parts of Ardas
- Hukamnama
- Lessons From Our Gurus’ Lives
- Sakhis from Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Life
- Guru Granth Sahib Ji
- Recite Japji Sahib 26 Paurdiaan
Book Used: PSL Gurmat Book 4
Punjabi Level 5
Advanced Reading Level 1
- Write answers to question in complete sentences
Write an essay about a topic:
- Themselves
- Life of Guru Nanak Dev Ji
- Khalsa School experiences
Write a research report or a project about a topic:
- Teachings of Guru Nanak Dev Ji
- Life of Guru Nanak Dev Ji
- Learn counting up to 100 and beyond in Punjabi
- Read 75 Punjabi words in one minute and understand what they read
Book Used: Stepping Stones PSL Book 5A
Gurmat Level 5
- Lessons Learned from Gurus’ Lives
- Guru Nank Dev Ji’s Travels
- Sri Guru Nanak Dev Ji’s Childhood
- Nature Serves Guru Nanak Dev Ji
- Malik Bhago and Bhai Lalo Ji
- Guru Nanak Dev Ji at Haridwar
- God is Everywhere
- Guru Nanak Against Mighty Babar
- The Last Years at Kartarpur Sahib
- Recite Complete Japji Sahib
Book Used: PSL Gurmat Book 5
Punjabi Level 6
Advanced Punjabi Level 2
Write a research report or a project about a topic:
- Life of a Guru Sahib
- Teachings of a Guru Sahib
- Take dictation in Punjabi with 80% accuracy
- Read short stories, Sakhies, and poems fluently with 80 words per minute speed, understand the text and be able to answer comprehension questions from the text orally and in writing
Book Used: Stepping Stones PSL Book 6A
Gurmat Level 6
- Gifts of Guru Gobind Singh Ji
- Chaar Sahibzaday
- Sahibzada Ajit Singh
- Sahibzada Jujhar Singh
- Chhotay Sahibzaday
- Principles of Sikhism- A Sikh
- Visakhi of 1699
- Principles of Sikhism- Amrit
- Principles of Sikhism- Amrit Ceremony
- Principles of Sikhism-Sikh Rehat Maryada
- Principles of Sikhism-The Five K’s
- The Difference Between ad Sikh and a Khalsa
- Principles of Sikhism-Sikh Living
- Principles of Sikhism-Chaar Bajjar KuRehats
- Glossary of Gurmat Words
- Recite Six Paurdiaan Anand Sahib
Book Used: PSL Gurmat Book 6
Punjabi Level 7
Advanced Punjabi Level 3 & Gurbani Reading
Write a research report or a project about a topic:
- Life of a Guru Sahib
- Teachings of a Guru Sahib
- Take simple dictation in Punjabi
- Start reading Gurbani with ease
- Read a literary text fluently with 90 words per minute speed, and answer comprehension questions from the text
Book Used: Stepping Stones PSL Book 7A
Gurmat Level 7
- Understanding Ardas- Seven lessons
- The Transforming Effects of Reciting, Understanding and Practicing the Mool Mantar
- Panj Takhat
- Akhand Paath
- Baba Buddha Ji
- Principles of Sikhism-The Five Enemies, Truth, Self Control, Slander, Contentment, Patience, Compassion, Faith
- Recite Complete Ardas
Book Used: PSL Gurmat Book 7
Punjabi Level 8
Advanced Punjabi Level 4 & Gurbani Reading
Write a research report or a project about a topic:
- About a historical Gurdwara
- About Baba Farid and his bani
- Any other issue related to Sikhi
- Take dictation in Punjabi
- Do path from sanchies with ease
- Read a literary text fluently at 120 words per minute
- Charni Lagna
Book Used: Stepping Stones PSL Book 7A
Gurmat Level 8
- Recite Complete Japji Sahib, Anand Sahib and Ardas
Material Used: Steeks