Bradshaw Gurmat School is part of the Sacramento Sikh Society aka Bradshaw Gurdwara Sahib. It is located at 7676 Bradshaw Road, Sacramento, CA 95829.
The school was originally started in 1998 with an attempt to teach Gurbani and Punjabi language to the local children of its community. It has now grown to follow a prescribed curriculum and enrolls about 150 students every year. A team of about 30 volunteers, consisting teaching staff, administrators, and snack organizers, manage this school every Sunday from 10:30 am to 12:45 pm. The school teaches reading, writing, and speaking of the Punjabi Language, the reading and understanding of Gurbani, and learning Sikh history. Granthi Sahib teaches Keertan to young students every Sunday from 1:30 pm to 3:00 pm. Volunteers hold Gatka (Martial Arts) coaching during the week. The school schedule includes various activities throughout the year such as the Punjabi Spelling bee competition, Bandi Chor divas celebrations, preparation of floats for Nagar Keertan, Holla Mahalla Sports day, mid-term celebrations, and year end picnics to unite the community and strengthen the student relationships.
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